Tag: oneroomchallenge

  • Bathroom Remodel Update

    WE HAVE A NEW WINDOW IN! Just one, but this is huge progress! We have to still install the big double window, but there are some logistics to figure out before that one can happen. It is on the third floor, and has to be screwed in from the outside. A single ladder is not…

  • Art Deco Bathroom Remodel Week 8

    I can’t believe it has been 8 weeks. I have no clue where the time went. It seriously went by SOO fast. This week is supposed to be the reveal week. It is not for me. This is my last official ORC update, but since I didn’t actually finish in time with the challenge, I…

  • Week 7 is already here somehow! In the beginning it felt like the weeks were going by so slowly, and things were just slowly moving along. This is probably since I was doing so much demo and I was very over it haha. But the time is flying by now, and I could really use…

  • Art Deco Bathroom Remodel Week 6

    I cannot believe that this week is already over, and we are now in the 6th week! The One room challenge with apartment therapy has been FLYING by. I know I mentioned it last week, but it was made even more clear to both my husband and I over the last few days… there is…