Category: Home Projects

  • This was a project that I have been wanting to do for over a year now. We had a few people come look at it, and were told that the stairs couldn’t be raised, and the best option might be to just tear it out and re-pour the steps… Which was NOT in our budget.…

  • Fixing a sunken porch: part 4/6

    Welcome back! In this 6 part series of fixing my sunken porch, we are at part 4! This part took some trial and error. Lots of error. I poured my own cement step. Failed a ton, and ended up tearing it out and re-doing it all. I learned a lot, and with the help of…

  • How to level a floor by yourself

    Our bathroom remodel continues to push my boundaries for what I know how to do to. I learn new skills every time I do something new on the house, but this one was one that I was actually pretty afraid of. Eventually I had to just buckle down and JUST DO THE THING. It all…

  • Art Deco Bathroom Remodel Week 8

    I can’t believe it has been 8 weeks. I have no clue where the time went. It seriously went by SOO fast. This week is supposed to be the reveal week. It is not for me. This is my last official ORC update, but since I didn’t actually finish in time with the challenge, I…

  • Week 7 is already here somehow! In the beginning it felt like the weeks were going by so slowly, and things were just slowly moving along. This is probably since I was doing so much demo and I was very over it haha. But the time is flying by now, and I could really use…

  • Art Deco Bathroom Remodel Week 6

    I cannot believe that this week is already over, and we are now in the 6th week! The One room challenge with apartment therapy has been FLYING by. I know I mentioned it last week, but it was made even more clear to both my husband and I over the last few days… there is…

  • Welcome back! I am a little late getting to my week 5 update. I try and post them on Wednesdays, but this week was crazy. We have made SOOOO much progress on the bathroom this last week. Fortunately, my husband didn’t have to work this week, which meant that the progress we made was off…

  • DIY painted arched Accent wall

    When I was re-doing my girls room, I knew that I wanted my little girls wall to have a fun accent pop of color. The rest of the room was neutrals so this corner was going to be full of color in her favorite shades. Overall, it was SUPER easy to do, and made a…

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    How to Restore Old Hardware

    When we started remodeling our house one of the things that I found was most of the hardware in the house was lazily painted over by previous owners. Hinges, doorknobs, vent covers, you name it… Everything was painted over and was the same color as the walls. There are options to just replace the hardware…

  • Art Deco Bathroom Renovation Week 4

    Wow! Half way through the ORC and it feels like we are just getting started. The one room challenge goes for 8 weeks, and we are officially starting week 4 this Wednesday. We have made HUGE progress this week. . My husband Nick and I make a pretty good team. With every project there are…