Bathroom Remodel Update


Just one, but this is huge progress! We have to still install the big double window, but there are some logistics to figure out before that one can happen. It is on the third floor, and has to be screwed in from the outside. A single ladder is not enough to hold it from the outside. So we are going to have to use a cherry picker or some other such lift type thing to get to where we need to for it.

This post contains affiliate links for items I used that may earn me a small commission if you purchase through the links.

This is the biggest news of the week in my opinion, but we did accomplish a lot more than that too! I am in LOVE with the reeded glass we chose for privacy on the bottom pane.

I am sharing as a guest participant in the One room Challenge, which you can see HERE.

We are on week 5. I am very behind. Doing my 13 days of Halloween projects to DIY for really set me behind, but do I regret it?

No. I put off all things fun and crafty last year to accomplish other needed things, and these projects made my soul happy.

Do I feel the pressure now though to get done on time?

… YES.

Will it be done on time?

I don’t know.

I am going to keep trying, and I am se excited to see the progress being made, as we let it sit over the summer.. and I redid my porch instead.

As I mentioned in previous posts, the windows took 9 weeks to come in. We were quoted 4. This really set things back in the spring One room challenge we did, and ultimately set us on hold for some time over the summer.

Here is what we accomplished in the bathroom this week:

  • Duct work for all exhaust fans
  • more blocking
  • screwing in all plumbing anchors to prevent wall shake noises
  • moving shower valve to a better place so that we have access to it if needed in the future
  • Removing a window and all framing that was around it
  • Building a new pressure treated window frame
  • installing one new window
  • Sealing off all areas around the window with foam
  • Vanity design
  • Finalizing finishes for the vanity area
  • got materials for the shower and bathroom area including a TOILET!
  • Got new lights for the vanity area
  • Bought all insulation for ceiling area

It was a busy week for sure!

Here is a photo dump of this weeks stuff! See captions on the photos more details!

Once the wooden frame was removed the windows came out VERY easy. The hardest part was removing the wood that was connected to the cinder block exterior walls.

Then I climbed out onto the roof and we fitted the window into place. This was a little scary because this roof is just some tin on our carport roof. NOT very sturdy, which is why I was standing on the beams as much as I could.
Notice that one little green tile on the roof? That has been there all summer I guess. Must have flown out the window during demo. I decided to keep it and find a way to incorporate it somehow into the bathroom. Not sure how yet…

Once the window was in place where it needed to be within the new pressure treated frame that nick built, which I forgot to take pictures of…. He handed out the drill and we began securing it into place.

I used a drill bit to pre- drill through the fins on the outside of the window and into the pressure treated lumber frame we attached to the open space.

Also, with how shaky this roof was, and the wind that was also blowing I was grateful to have some sturdy shoes on. I always wear slides or am barefoot, but seriously it was nice to feel like I wasn’t going to slip off the roof. Side note: You can get 10% off your own pair of these boots HERE. They are my favorite.

It started snowing while I was out there. Winter is sneaking up on us, and I AM NOT READY FOR IT. So with the snow, a metal roof that bowed when stepped on in certain areas, wind blowing , and being on a slant, I was trying to be very slow and careful.

Oh ya, and I couldn’t reach the top of the window to drill so I used a step ladder… on the roof. Like I said.. Nice and slow….

So I pre- drilled, then used my impact driver and a star bit, I drilled some long screws through the fins, and into the pressure treated lumber frame. I did 3 on each side. We checked it after each screw to make sure that the window could still open and close ok.

Windows can be tricky because over tightening one screw too much, can change the way the window closes. So when I was drilling the screws in, I went slowly, making sure not to tighten them down all the way. Then after they were all in on a side, I went back and gently tightened them down until they were seated more, making sure not to press the fin of the window in too much causing distortion in the frame.

Look at that reeded privacy glass! We chose this since these windows face the street, and this is a bathroom. We will also have some window shades, but wanted options since we love the natural light as well.

Then we added in the foam. It was VERY drafty after the window was in, just from natural gaps and cracks around the frame, since we put the pressure treated frame up against an uneven cinderblock wall.

When adding in the foam, make sure to use window and door foam. This is DIFFERENT than the other gap filling foam. It is special made to seal the gaps WITHOUT changing the size of a door or window. The other ones can be too strong, and cause bowing and issues around the frame of doors and windows. This causes the door or window to not close properly.

It is more expensive, but a necessary step for making sure it still closes the right way, while still sealing those gaps.

Once it cures all the way, I will trim it down so that I can add in the window sill trim.

Another project I finished this week was the duct work for all of the exhaust fans in the bathroom.

We have a fan in the bathroom closet, one by the shower, and then the heat light we added also has its own fan to prevent overheating.

SO I worked on getting everything properly vented, which is exciting since there was NOTHING before, and the condensation build up in this space was unreal. Which explains all of the mold we found everywhere.

I also drew up over 50 different vanity design options, and settled on a design which I can’t wait to share soon!

Here is the pallet of stuff I came home to the other day from Speakman! I can’t wait to install the toilet and other bathroom stuff they sent! I am so excited!

Check back next week for this weeks progress! I have so much to do this week and I can’t wait to get going on it!
