Art Deco Bathroom Remodel Week 8

I can’t believe it has been 8 weeks. I have no clue where the time went. It seriously went by SOO fast. This week is supposed to be the reveal week. It is not for me.

This is my last official ORC update, but since I didn’t actually finish in time with the challenge, I am going to just continue with a weekly update on my own. I am bummed that we didn’t finish in time, but I am not quitting, and we will just get done as soon as we can.

It is just too big of a project honestly to get done in 8 weeks. This week meant more progress though.

I made a mirror that I hope to use in the toilet closet, and I bought some small decor and accessories, and got the lighting figured out for above the vanity.

I’m excited to get in there and drywall as soon as I can. Last week we got the plumbing done. This week I was watching my sisters kids, and we have a work trip coming up that will put us out of town for a few days… so needless to say not a lot of actually building progress happened in the bathroom.

Things that did happen.

We got the special sized toilet flange. Originally the toilet was facing the other way, and when we were thinking about the best way to design this space we knew that we needed a toilet closet separate from the sink and shower area.

Without COMPLETELY re-doing the entire house we had to get creative. We found out that the original plumbing was pretty close to the wall. The rough plumb in for most toilets is 12in. This means that the bolts on the floor are 12 inches from the back wall it sits against. In order to fit a toilet with a 12 in distance, and still line up the drain under it, the toilet would have been VERY close to the side wall.

We found a toilet flange that would allow us to move it over slightly 2 inches from the drain allowing the toilet to be more central. This is a pretty big deal for the space. It is already a small space. There is not a lot of room on each side of the toilet but really it is just a small separate space that was much needed for the overall flow of this bathroom and the way we use it.

We framed in the pocket door, and got all of the lights, vent fans, and walls in for it. After seeing it all framed in, it felt small but ok. Some people may disagree with adding this instead of just leaving it open in the space. It definitely would feel bigger just being left open, but it didn’t just make sense honestly. We had a ton of room just sitting unused under the windows with nothing there, and since this is our main bathroom that our whole family uses, we needed it to be more practical.

Originally I had planned on painting the toilet closet a dark color to make it like a small dark powder room. After seeing it framed it, and having it already feel small I am not sure I will still paint it dark like planned. I want to make it a cool little space though. I have bought a ton of small gold frames in different sizes and planned on hanging a bunch of black and white photos of different things in the space that are visually interesting. I think there will still be plenty of room for a small collage, but maybe just a little different than planned.

You can see how I re-did the mirror that I think I will hang in there on THIS POST.

This week I hope to keep making small progress where I can. I am hoping to add some arches next to the shower where the towels will hang. It will create little nooks for the towels, and prevent walking into the towel hooks at all since they will hang out into the hallway area a little.

Stay tuned for more progress updates on this space coming next week!
